Monday, January 23, 2017

The art of self-acceptance

They say in order to be loved, you should first love yourself.
And so, this is one of my 2017 resolutions; self-acceptance. Perhaps this is something easy and is not even essential for some people, but for me this might be the vital key to a better quality of life. Doesn't mean I don't love myself. I do, but question is, to what extent?
The fact is, feeling good with all my flaws and keep telling myself "it's okay, you're doing good enough" while I'm actually not isn't easy at all. But trying to repeteadly fix myself isn't necessarily easy too. This often causes me to develop a sense of inferiority which is very unhealthy and I am finding ways to overcome it. And again they say, there's no amount of self-improvement can make up for any lack of self-acceptance. Also I don't wanna keep beating myself up for making mistakes. So I'm trying to love myself, for every flaw and every messy trait I have, one at a time. This might be a very long journey, or even a journey with no finish line but I am willing to try.